1 日本に在留する外国人の在留資格は、就労や留学などの活動に応じて許可されるものであるため、行うことができる活動はそれぞれの在留資格に応じて定められています。したがって、許可された在留資格に応じた活動以外に、収入を伴う事業を運営する活動又は報酬を受ける活動を行おうとする場合には、あらかじめ資格外活動の許可を受けていなければなりません。
When a foreign national intends to engage in an activity to operate profit-making businesses or an activity for receiving consideration other than the activity permitted under his/her status of residence, he/she must obtain permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted, in advance.

2 資格外活動の許可は,証印シール(旅券に貼付)又は資格外活動許可書の交付により受けられます。証印シール又は資格外活動許可書には,「新たに許可された活動内容」が記載されますが,雇用主である企業等の名称,所在地及び業務内容等を個別に指定する場合(個別許可)と,1週に28時間以内であること及び活動場所において風俗営業等が営まれていないことを条件として企業等の名称,所在地及び業務内容等を指定しない場合(包括的許可)があります。
Permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted can be obtained through receiving issuance of a seal of verification (attached to a passport) or a written permission. The details of the newly permitted activity are indicated in the seal of verification or the written permission, in either of the following manner: (i) the name and location of the company, etc. that employs the foreign national and the details of the duties are designated separately("specified permission"); or (ii) under the conditions that the foreign national engages in the activity for not more than 28 hours a week and no amusement and entertainment business is operated at the place of the activity, the name and location of the company, etc. and the details of the duties are not designated ("comprehensive permission").

3 包括的許可が受けられる場合として,「留学」又は「家族滞在」の在留資格をもって在留する場合のほか,本邦の大学を卒業し,又は専修学校専門課程において専門士の称号を取得して同校を卒業した留学生であって,卒業前から行っている就職活動を継続するための「特定活動」の在留資格をもって在留する者で,同教育機関からの推薦状に資格外活動許可申請に係る記載がある場合等が挙げられます。
Comprehensive permission may be granted in such cases where a foreign national stays in Japan with the status of residence of "Student" or "Dependent," or where a foreign national has graduated from a Japanese university or has graduated from an advanced vocational school after obtaining a specialist degree in its specialized courses, stays in Japan with the status of residence for "Designated Activities" for the purpose of continuing job-hunting that he/she has been carrying out since the time prior to his/her graduation, and also possesses a letter of recommendation issued by the relevant educational institution which contains the statement concerning the application for permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted.

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