The status of permanent residence is granted when certain conditions have been satisfied by foreign nationals who reside in Japan under another status of residence and who have applied for change of status of residence to permanent residence or by those who have applied to acquire status of residence due to birth or renouncement of Japanese nationality.

If a foreign resident is authorized to stay in Japan on a permanent basis, he/she will stay in Japan with the status of residence "Permanent Resident." The status of residence "Permanent Resident" provides much more advantageous treatments than other statuses of residence because it does not limit the status holder's activities or period of stay. For this reason, the immigration control authority needs to examine permanent resident applicants much more closely than other applicants for merely changing their status of residence. From this viewpoint, immigration control legislations set forth separate provision for permanent resident status, independent from ordinary procedures for change of Status of Residence.

永住許可に関するガイドライン Guidelines for Permission for Permanent Residence
1.法律上の要件 Legal requirements
The person is of good conduct.

The person observes Japanese laws and his/her daily living as a resident does not invite any social criticism.

The person has sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living.

The person does not financially depend on someone in the society in his daily life, and his/her assets or ability or ability,etc. are assumed to continue to provide him/her with a stable base of livelihood into the future.

The person's permanent residence is regarded to be in accord with the interests of Japan.

ア 原則として引き続き10年以上本邦に在留していること。ただし,この期間のうち,就労資格又は居住資格をもって引き続き5年以上在留していることを要する。
In principle, the person has stayed in Japan for more than 10 years consecutively. It is also required that during his/her stay in Japan the person has had work permit or the status of residence for more than 5 years consecutively/

イ 罰金刑や懲役刑などを受けていないこと。納税義務等公的義務を履行していること。
The person has been never sentenced to a fine or imprisonment. The person fulfills public duties such as tax payment.

ウ 現に有している在留資格について,出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則別表第2に規定されている最長の在留期間をもって在留していること。
The maximum period of stay allowed for the person with his/her current status of residence under Annexed Table 2 of the Immigration Control Refugee Recognition Act is to be fully utilized.

エ 公衆衛生上の観点から有害となるおそれがないこと
There is no possibility that the person could do harm from the viewpoint of protection of public health.

2.原則10年在留に関する特例 Special requirements for 10-year residence in principle
The person is a spouse of a Japanese national, special permanent resident or permanent resident, and has been in a real marital relationship for more than 3 years consecutively and has stayed in Japan more than 1 year consecutively. Or, the person is a true child of a Japanese national, special permanent resident or permanent resident, and has stayed in Japan more than 1 year consecutively.

The person has stayed in Japan for more than 5 year consecutively with the status of long term resident.

The person has been recognized as a refugee, and has stayed in Japan for more than 5 years consecutively after recognition.

The person has been recognized to have made a contribution to Japan in diplomatic, social, economic, cultural or other fields, and has stayed in Japan for more than 5 years.

お気軽にお問い合わせください。084-982-9595受付時間 9:00-18:00 [ 土・日・祝日除く ]
